IT Consulting

Are your ready to take your organization’s technology to the next level, but not quite sure how to get there? Depend on a partner that you can trust. LNB Tech has provided IT Consulting services for some of Savannah’s most recognized companies for over 15 years. Our certified IT consultants have decades of experience to help you plan, prepare and execute your next IT project, on budget and on time. Our team is dedicated to finding the best solutions for your company.  We evaluate your organization’s business needs, computing requirements and company guidelines to deliver an easy to follow blueprint for the future!

Why Work With Us

  • Gain a competitive technology edge.
  • Stay up-to-date on your industry’s IT Compliance Requirements.
  • Reduce cost and control operating expenses.
  • Increase productivity.

Technology Consulting Services

Work with the consultants at LNB Tech to create robust Business Continuity Strategies and a plan that will fill in any missing pieces that might be holding you back from success!

When it comes to your company’s sensitive information, there is no room for error. LNB Tech’s Security Consultants work with you to perform penetration testing and vulnerability assessments – which are used to look for gaps and risks in security. Using those findings, LNB Tech will assist you in better managing the security, privacy, and compliance risks of your data.

How long can you afford your network to be down for before it dramatically impacts your business? Not really sure? LNB Tech will work with you to plan, prepare, and implement solid IT management practices to guarantee your IT environment’s resilience in case of a major outage.

Are you considering moving to the cloud, but still not confident of where your data and information are going? Most of our current cloud-loving customers started out the same way! LNB Tech’s cloud experts will take the time to teach you the “cloud basics.” From there, they will help you by architecting a flexible, innovative cloud solution that best fits your organization.